DC Cell Game  Game of Life Reloaded === DC CELL Game Interactive

It is interactive, because you can intervene while the program is runnning in the process of cell development. You can shoot into the mass of cells by clicking the mouse. By pressing one of the buttons 0,1,2,3,4, you can select a weapon, by continuously pressing one of these buttons, the weapon will preload and fire continuously.

Colors Cells, Binary Shapes ,Emojis, Chess Pieces can by used

What is the DC-Cell program?

An interactive game program based on the operating principle of cellular automata. The game takes place on a square grid, the size of which can be changed. Cell development can be initiated, and then the process of development can be interfered with, you can shoot the cells with different weapons. 9 types of background can be selected, the colors of the cells can be adjusted. To shape the cells, you can choose from the following 4 shapes
  • Colour cells
  • Smiling
  • Chess pieces
  • Binary numbers
  • There are predefined shapes in the default setting, but they are visible in the toolbar miniatures can also be dragged onto the track. In addition, shapes can also be drawn manually These can be saved to a file You can also load a text file.

    How do I use the DC Cell Game program?

    Conway's Game Of Life

    Menu and short cut

    Clicking with the left mouse button has two functions:
      The basic function is to click into the grid
      Click the grid
      With the buttons 0,1,2,3,4 you can draw various shapes
      0 - Conway's Game Of Life 1 - Conway's Game Of Life 2 - Conway's Game Of Life 3 - Conway's Game Of Life 4 - Conway's Game Of Life
      Pressing 5 turns off this function
      If you keep pressing one of the 0,1,2,3,4 buttons, the shape corresponding to that button is continuously entered.
      By pressing the right arrow, the number of the cell column can be increased
      The number of columns in the cell can be decreased by pressing the left arrow
      The number of rows in the cell can be increased by pressing the down arrow
      The number of rows in the cell can be reduced by pressing the up arrow
      Zoom in by pressing + or F4
      Zoom out by pressing the - key or F5
    If you press the e character key on the keyboard,then the function of the click changes,this is also indicated by the change in the shape of the mouse cursor
      Then if you click in the grid, it fills 1 cell,
      If you press the F3 key to stop the drawing process,you can freely draw in the cells, then press F3 again, the program will pick up the drawn cells
    If you are not in full screen mode and click on a cell, you can drag shapes from the toolbar
      Shapes can be loaded and saved from a text file
      The program saves the settings. Click Help About to see the locations of the ini file.
      The bottom status bar shows the path to the loaded file.
      Tested on Windows10 professional version.
      Recommended resolution 1920 x 1080
      Column Count min: 30 max: 180
      Row Count: min: 25 max: 100
      Row Height: min: 8 max: 40
      Row Width: min: 8 max: 40
      Speed change, the lower the value, the faster the program will be. (depends with hardware)
      Increasing the number of cells decreases the speed

    To insert a thumbnail into a cell, you must first click on the cell and then drag it. You can also add thumbnails while running. You can undo color cells with CTRL + Z. The settings are saved automatically. When you start the program, the values ​​in the Ini file are loaded.

    Pictures from the program:

    Click on the image, save the text file, and then open it with the program, the shape shown in the image will appear.


    Click on the image, save the text file, and then open it with the program, the shape shown in the image will appear.



    Introducing the use of the program, setting styles and colors, drawing in shapes, scanning...

    release date 14 december 2022


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